WelcomeMy name is David Edwards, of Toronto, Canada. I paint oils, watercolours, some acrylic and also do some digital design.
Looking at the work on my site you will notice 3 genres, oil, watercolour and abstract.
Why do I do this when many artists specialize in only one medium? I learn about oil painting from painting watercolors and visa versa. And I learn about realistic painting from abstracts, and abstract from realism. Just like life, painting is a continuous happy journey visiting “places” where there is always something to learn. For example to paint a good abstract, one has to actually be a better artist than realistic painter. A good abstract has to utilize the good traditional elements: strong and interesting composition, balance of color, interesting quality of line, expressive brushwork. It stretches one to the limit of one's talent and ability! A good watercolour imparts the feeling of luminosity and even physical lightness about the world. There is no compulsion to fill in all areas of the paper with paint. It lets the non-painted areas join in the dialogue so to speak. It is also a pretty unforgiving medium when one makes "mistakes", so one learns how to use them and even welcome them! Understanding watercolour techniques when painting in oil is also invaluable. I love the expressive brushwork especially available with oil painting. Good brushwork conveys vitality, energy and spontaneity. Using spontaneous brushwork in watercolour also adds quality that is difficult to achieve without practice in oil. A few simple, bold strokes can make a painting! This conveys a little about my philosophy of painting. By all means read my blog for more. I hope you find something you like. You can contact me via my "Contact" page. I look forward to hearing from you! David Edwards |
Below are a few of my watercolours. Click on any one of them to get a larger version and browse through the gallery . Click the links in the header menu above for more pictures and details. Other interestsI have many interests, among them, designing websites. Here are a few you might find interesting:
www.douglasedwardsart.com www.foxfireband.com and a few more in the works! Here are shops where I provide some of my graphic designs on various kinds of merchandise: www.cafepress.com/original_artwork (American) as well as sassafras.wordans.com (Canada) |